Discipline at Camp
We try to operate with the minimum of rules, but do insist on politeness, good
manners, cleanliness, particularly at mealtimes and being friendly towards
each other. Also, some activities are of an adventurous nature, such as
archery and we do expect Cubs to listen and obey any instructions / rules
given by the leader of the activity. We also try and instil some idea of keeping
their individual kit organised and tidy – this sometimes takes a while!
Where Cubs consistently misbehave, they may be required to undertake a
menial task, such as extra washing up.
On the last day of camp we hold a tent and kit inspection. This might appear
somewhat regimented, but the intention is to ensure that as far as possible
everyone goes home with their own clothes and that nothing is missing.
Pocket Money at Camp
Most camp sites we stay at have a shop which sells a range
of sweets, soft drinks and souvenirs. There will be normally an opportunity to
visit the shop towards the end of the camp. There is plenty to eat and drink
on camp and we normally provide a souvenir badge to each Cub, but most of
the Cubs like to buy something and so you may provide your son with a small
amount of pocket money (say up to £3) but this is entirely optional. To avoid
any losses, any pocket money should be put in an envelope marked with your
Cubs name. Depending on the type of Camp, the Leader in charge may
request all pocket money to be handed in for safekeeping at the start of camp.
Suggested Kit List (All items to be clearly marked with a name)
• Waterproof jacket / coat
• Cap or hat
• Jumper / sweat shirt (a second is useful if the weather is chilly or wet)
• Pyjamas
• Sleeping bag and Pillow
• Warm Blanket (even in summer the nights can sometimes get a bit
chilly). For camps in Spring or Autumn, consider a second blanket.
• Foam sleeping mat or airbed (not a camp bed)
• Washing kit and towel
• Swimming trunks for water games
• Two sets of:
Shorts (plus at least one pair of long trousers needed for chilly
Tee shirt, Pants, Socks, & Handkerchiefs
• Training Shoes or Plimsolls
• Wellington boots (in case of wet weather, not needed if it is high
• Tea towel (preferably an old one that is ‘expendable’)
• A book or comic to read during any rest periods (not a game or
electronic toy)
• Teddy or other soft toy for use at night (optional)
• A small torch (please ensure that the bulb and batteries are working)
• An emergency set of clothes (in a separate named plastic bag)
• Medicines - supplies of any medicines and written instructions on use
(consider sun tan cream if the weather is very sunny) to be handed to
the Leader on arrival
• Full uniform and black shoes to wear for arrival and departure
Remember no food, sweets or drinks to be brought to camp