Long sleeved tops and/or T-shirts
Trousers (avoid jeans)
Warm tops – jumpers/sweatshirts/fleeces
Socks (including thick pairs)
Warm sleeping clothes (pyjamas/tracksuit)
Warm hat (also good for keeping warm in bed)
Waterproof coat and trousers
Footwear (walking boots/Welles/Oldtrainers)
Kit for going afloat (non-cotton top/rash vest, shorts, old trainers/wet shoes, etc.)
Uniform (event uniform)
Sleeping bag (3 seasons or two sleeping bags, one inside the other)
Camp Blanket (optional)
Roll mat (no air beds as, when inflated, they take up too much room in the tent)
Pillow (or just bring an empty pillowcase and stuff some dry clothes in it overnight)
Wash kit (containing flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
Sun cream
Personal medication (must be handed in at the start of camp)
Wind up torch or torch and spare batteries
Water bottle
Bin bags/dry bags (for keeping things dry and keeping dirty clothes separate)
Camp Kit List Guidance

On camp we live out in the elements. Staying warm and dry on a wet day, or not suffering from sunburn after a sunny one (even at Easter), makes a big difference to a Scout’s enjoyment of camp. Learning to live comfortably in the outdoors in all weathers is an important part of camp life.
Please make sure your Scout is well prepared for all conditions. The kit list above is a distillation of our experience and is hopefully a useful guide to help you, and your camper, ensure that they’re appropriately equipped at camp.
Buying Equipment
Reasonably priced equipment is available from several high street camping shops – it’s not necessary to invest in the best or most expensive equipment for camp, but do make sure that what you buy is fit for purpose. Very cheap discount equipment often does not stand up to the rigours of camp life and may leave your camper cold, wet and unhappy. If you have any dificults please speak with a leader we do have some donated kit.
Loss of Equipment
In order to prevent loss of equipment at camp please indelibly label all equipment and clothing.
It’s important that Scouts are involved in packing their kit; not only does it mean they know what they have brought with them and where to find it, it also means that they recognise which items belong to them when we find them lying around the camp!
Please use a rucksack or holdall to pack kit; suitcases are not suitable for use in tents. Lining luggage with waterproof sacks helps to ensure that it remains dry. The ideal size of a rucksack is 75l and DOE aproved is good.
Wash kit
Should contain the items needed to keep clean; it does not require large quantities of cosmetic products, hair gels and mirrors!
Advice on Equipment
Several types of garment are suitable for camp, but the essential features are that they’re completely waterproof, and that head wear and waterproof trousers are included. If possible test your Scout’s waterproofs under the shower or garden hose (but remember if you selected badly you may not be able to return them to the shop after this!).
Suitable types of rain-wear include those made from:
PVC – this is tough, suitable for young children, and completely waterproof if heavier and a bit bulkier.
Proofed nylon. Check that the proofing is waterproof (e.g. neoprene lining) and that the seams are taped to ensure they’re waterproof.
Breathable ‘Gore-Tex’ or similar garments are also suitable if fully waterproof but bear in mind that they are more expensive and should be 3 layers (rather than 2) so that they stand up to the harsh treatment they may receive at camp.
Rubberised fabric or oilskins are tough and waterproof, but heavier.
AVOID: Lightweight nylon cagoules with chemically treated seams – they will leak after anything more than a shower; ‘Barbour’ or other similar waxed jackets – they are not waterproof in sustained wet conditions and are expensive.
Even at standing camps, we do a lot of rough walking, so footwear must be comfortable. Leather walking boots are ideal as they provide ankle support, good foot protection, and have good grip in most conditions. For younger scouts, sturdy trainers with a good grip may be adequate. As it is often wet underfoot, Wellingtons are recommended for all campers, make sure they are big enough to accommodate thick socks and that they tuck inside your waterproof trousers.
In addition, campers may wish to have some lighter footwear for wearing around camp, e.g. light trainers, plimsolls, sandals or similar. All footwear must be well walked-in before camp.
Jeans are tough but terrible to wear when wet, so bring a variety of types of trousers. Clothing that can be worn in many layers is much more flexible and allows adjustment to the weather and conditions.
On some camps we’ll be using the boats, so Scouts will need suitable clothing for this. See the camp letter for guidance on what to wear. Please note that we only go afloat on some camps; see the camp details to check if this is the case.
Sleeping kit
Synthetic (e.g. ‘hollow fill’) sleeping bags are recommended for most campers as they retain much of their effectiveness when damp, are easier to clean and are less costly. However some older, more experienced, campers may prefer down bags which are warmer for the weight and pack smaller, although they require more care. Sleeping bags are rated by warmth as 1 – 5 seasons, and we recommend 3 seasons or above for general camp use. Duvets are not practical on camp and sleeping bags designed for indoor ‘sleepover’ use will not provide enough warmth.
We recommend that all sleeping bags should be used with inner bag linings – either cotton or fleece (avoid synthetic linings as they are less comfortable and offer little extra insulation).
The use of an insulating mat between the sleeping bag and the ground is essential as it helps to keep you warm at night. We recommend that two sleeping bags be used at Easter and autumn camps. All bedding should be packed into a thick polythene bag or sack.
Electronic Items
Items such as mobile phones, music players and game players are Not permitted on camp.
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