Getting Started

Thank you for choosing Scouts Online as your group's website partner.

As a group package 1 website user, your website is fully managed by Scouts Online, using only default content, verbiage and imagery, along with your group and section details. You cannot manage the content or settings of your website on this package level.

If your locations, sections, meeting day/time or main contact change, please contact us.

If you'd like to upgrade, have a free-trial on a higher website package level or you'd like to discuss anything, please contact us.

Initial Setup Details

Thank you for choosing Scouts Online as your group's website partner.

Your website has been pre-built with the following setup:

  • Group Details
  • Address, post code, latitude, longitude and bearing to show a streetview photo of your location
  • Main contact’s user details + assigned as the Main Contact for contact forms
  • Latest website look-and-feel + default website verbiage, photos and images
  • Social media account feeds (if found)
  • Section Details
  • Page set relevant to your package level
  • “New Website” news story
  • “Test Cub Camp” programme event
  • “Test Photo Album”
  • Notice board + Demo post it note
  • Members/Section Teams pages, team list

Initial Setup Details

Thank you for choosing Scouts Online as your District'sCounty's website partner.

Your website has been pre-built with most of the following setup:

  • Your District's name
  • Your County's name
  • An address and post code (shown on the footer bar)
  • Main contact's user details + set as the Main Contact for contact forms
  • Main contact's user details
    • Set as the Main Contact for contact forms
    • Added to various teams - See the Team Lists on the Members pages
  • Details of your Districts
    • District Name
    • Some details of their Groups, sections and Units
  • Some details of your County based Units
  • Latest website look-and-feel + default website verbiage, photos and images
  • Page set relevant to your package level
  • Social media account feeds (if found)
  • “New Website” news story
  • Various events to demonstrate how your website could work for you. These might include:
    • Demo Training Courses
    • Test Appointments Interviews
    • Test Trustee Board Meeting
    • Test Cub Camp
  • “Test Photo Album” – Delete in Admin/Photo Albums
  • Demo vacancy advert in Join/Adult Vacancies
  • Notice board + Demo post it note

Information Required to Setup your Website

Here is a list of useful information for you to collate in order to complete the setup of your website.

If you'd like Scouts Online to perform some/all of the setup tasks below, please provide this following information - either in one chunk or as and when you able to get hold of it.

Main County Volunteers List

Main District Volunteers List

Name, email address, Scouting role and the teams they belong to, for the following:

  • Leadership Team
  • Trustee Board
  • Volunteering Development Team
  • Support Team
  • Programme Team
  • 14-25 Team
  • Any other teams you may have. E.g. Campsite

Groups Information

Details of any missing/incomplete groups/units

  • Group/Unit name and address
  • Group Lead Volunteer's name, and email address
  • Neckerchief Colours
  • Meeting day, start time and end time for all sections

Districts Details

A list of your Districts, with the following:

  • District Name
  • District Lead Volunteer's name, and email address
  • Details of any missing/incomplete groups/units
    • Group/Unit name and address
    • Group Lead Volunteer's name, and email address
    • Neckerchief Colours
    • Meeting day, start time and end time for all sections

News / Events / Photos / Updates

Details of any of these to show on your website:

  • News stories + images that you’d like to add
  • Future local events, training course, appointments interviews, etc.
  • Any photos you’d like to add to the home page
  • Any adult vacancies to advertise

Additional Pages and Content Updates

Details of any of additional pages and page content changes:

  • Any page or content changes required
  • Any new pages required
Setup Tasks

You don't necessarily need to go through all these tasks, but it might be useful to read through them to see the full potential of your Scouts Online website.

1) Check the Initial Setup
Check the address, map and streetview image:
  • Open the About/Find Us page
Check the meeting address(es), day(s) and times:
  • Open the Sections/Beavers page
  • Repeat for the other sections
Check your neckerchief colours:
  • Open Sections / Group / Meet The Team
  • Check your address at the bottom of your website.
    Set to your office, campsite or shop + add latitude and longitude in the centre of your DistrictCounty in Admin/Global Settings, to help with local search engine searches.
  • Check District names and DLV in the Districts page
  • Check group and unit addresses, section meeting day/times and neckerchief colours in Groups pages
Check form emails:
  • Fill in the Contact Us form
  • Check that you receive the email
  • Check your spam/junk folders
2) Getting Started Video

This video shows you how to login and gives you an introduction to administering your new website.

You can also find instructions for logging in for the first time here.

3) Add Website Users 3) Add Users and Team Members
Add user records for:
  • Any additional Site Admin users. See Instructions
  • Your Lead Volunteer, Trustees and section team members and assign them to teams to show on Meet The Team pages and in team lists. See Instructions
  • Anyone else to receive contact form emails
  • Anyone else to receive contact form and booking form emails
  • Upload and set profile photos See Instructions
  • Any additional Site Admin users. See Instructions
  • Any Content Contributor users - to create News, Events and Photo Albums. See Instructions
  • Your Lead Volunteer, Trustees and members of your other teams. See Instructions
  • Your District Lead Volunteers, within their Districts. See Instructions
  • Your Group Lead Volunteers, within their Groups in each District. See Instructions
  • Anyone to receive contact form emails
  • Anyone to receive contact form emails or event booking forms
  • Upload and set profile photos. See Instructions
  • Generic users (parents and other volunteers). See Instructions
4) Setup OSM Integration

This video shows the steps for setting up the OSM Integration.

5) Badge Progress and Patrol Points

You can display information on your website, directly from OSM.

4) 6) 4) Change Home Page Photos
  • Login
  • Upload photos in Admin/File Manager
  • Open the Home page
  • Click the settings cog Settings Cog below the Image Banner
  • Change Use/Edit to your group's default Use/Edit Field
  • Get Settings From Default
  • Replace the Image URLs with your own
  • Save
5) 7) 5) Personalise Page Content
  • Login and move to the page you want to change
  • Click the settings cog Settings Cog below the content to change
  • Change Use/Edit to your group's default
  • Get Settings From Default
  • Make the change required
  • Save
6) 8) Hall Booking Page Ideas
  • Upload hut exterior and interior photos in Admin/File Manager
  • Add your photos to the Image Banner
  • Change the text to describe your building, what it may be used for and describe the amenities, fixtures, fittings and directions to your hall
  • Add a Table module to show your regular hall hirers/section meeting times
  • Personalise the contact form introduction text
  • If you don't rent your hall out, you can switch off this page in Admin/Page Management
7) 9) 6) Add Your Own Pages
  • Login
  • Add a new page in Admin/Page Management and use the Page Designer to setup pages
  • Add text, images, videos, links, lists, tables, maps, contact forms and much more.
  • Add text, images, videos, links, lists, tables, maps, contact forms, team lists, events lists and much more.
7) Add News and Events
  • Add news articles in Admin/News / Blogs
  • Add future events in Admin/Event Management. These could include:
    • Youth events
    • Adult training courses
    • Young Leader training
    • Trustee meetings
    • Team meetings
    • Appointments interviews

    You can add a booking form to events to go to a specific team leader and limit attendee numbers.

8) Show More Group Content

You may make the following changes after logging in:

  • Switch on Neckerchief Panel on Home Page: Hover over the module bars at the bottom of the home page until to you find the "Home Page Neckerchief List" Panel Controller Module.
    Edit the module and tick the Show field and click Save.
  • Switch on Teams Panel on Group Details pages: Click the More Details button for a group in the Groups page. Edit the "Group Details Meet The Team Panel" Panel Controller Module, tick the Show field and click Save.
  • Switch on News Panel on Group Details pages: If any of your groups has a Scouts Online website with News articles, you can show these on your website too. Edit the "Group Details News Panel" Panel Controller Module, tick the Show field and click Save.
  • Include District News: If any of your Districts also have a Scouts Online website with news articles, you may include their news articles in any news feed, by editing the News List module and ticking the "Incl. District Stories" field.
  • Include Group News: As above, you can also include news articles from your groups' Scouts Online websites in any news feed, by editing the News List module and ticking the "Incl. Group Stories" field.
2) 8) 10) 7) 9) Demonstrate To Your Team

In order to get feedback, and the agreement to go-live with your new website, you may want to show, or suggest people have a look at, the following features:

  • Modern, mobile phone friendly website
  • Extensive on-brand verbiage and imagery
  • Sectional information and links
  • Scouting application forms
  • Modern, mobile phone friendly website
  • Extensive on-brand verbiage and imagery
  • Sectional Meet The Team pages
  • OSM Integration (Application forms to populate your OSM waiting list, sectional programmes and events, badge progress charts, patrol points, etc.)
  • Easy to manage
  • Modern, mobile phone friendly website
  • Extensive on-brand verbiage and imagery
  • Scouting forms Sectional Meet The Team pages
  • Easy to manage
  • Modern, mobile phone friendly website
  • Extensive on-brand verbiage and imagery
  • Sectional Meet The Team pages
  • Pre-built Members/Team pages for collaboration, information, links, team lists, event lists, etc.
  • Online event bookings (youth events, training courses, appointments interviews, etc.)
  • Scouting application and other forms (NAN, YP award notification, reference requests, review, training completed, award nomination, etc.)
  • Easy to manage

Contact us with any feedback, suggestions, or just to say that you're ready to go-live.

11) 8) 10) Hide Members Only Pages

If you have created and members only pages, you may want to hide them from public viewing.

You may want to hide some of the Members page from public viewing.

12) 9) 11) Remove Test/Demo Data
Test Data
9) 13) 8) 12) Update GDPR / Privacy Policy

Personalise the GDPR and Privacy Policy page, to your local policies.

See Tech-Tip here.

10) 14) 9) 13) Setup Your Domain Name

When you are ready to go-live, you could add your own domain to your website.

Using your own domain name for your website could help with search engine rankings and Scouts Online will add an SSL certificate for HTTPS secure browsing.

View the Tech-Tip here.

3) 11) 15) 10) 14) Promote Your Website

To ensure that as many people as possible find and use your website, it's useful to promote it.

View a Tech-Tip here to see some ideas that will help.