Group Details Documentation


Group Package 1 websites contain a mix of default verbiage and imagery, with your group's details. This is managed for you by Scouts Online. There is no ability change the settings. If you change your meeting place, times or main contact, please contact us.

If you'd like to upgrade to a higher package level, please contact us.

The Group Details page contains the main settings fields to drive your website.

The fields define your Group, County and District names, your website's domain name, the website look-and-feel, your social media details, additional website settings and online payment details.

The Group Details page holds details of the groups and units in your District, along with their section meeting locations, meeting day/times and their Group Lead Volunteers or main contact.

Each group/unit has a list of sections, with a dummy 'Group' section acting as a template for all other sections. The 'Group' section should include the main meeting location, neckerchief colours and Main Contact. The other sections should generally just have the section's name meeting day and times - their 'Group' location will be used unless set differently for sections that meet elsewhere.

The Group Details page holds details of the Scout Network and Active Support Units in your County, along with their meeting locations, meeting day/times or frequency and their main contact.

Additionally, their is a Group Details tab within each District, to hold their group, section and main contacts. You can find this from the Admin/District Settings, Amend a District and click the 'Groups' tab.

Each unit or group has a list of sections, with a dummy 'Group' section acting as a template for all other sections. The 'Group' section should include the main meeting location, neckerchief colours and Main Contact. The other sections should generally just have the section's name meeting day and times - their 'Group' location will be used unless set differently for sections that meet elsewhere.

Use Cases

The following panels show specific tasks. Click on a panel to see the procedures.

Add a Group

Add a new Group or Unit to your DistrictCounty.

To add a new Group or Unit in your DistrictCounty, follow these steps:

NB. If you want to add a Group/Unit to a District, see Admin/Districts.

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/Group Details
  • Click Add New
  • Enter the Groups' name fields
  • Enter your Scout County name
  • If your County has a Scouts Online website, select it here, so that the group shows in their Group page too
  • Your County Site should be pre-set for you
  • Enter your Scout District name
  • Leave the Scout District field blank
  • Your District Site should be pre-set for you
  • Leave the District Site field blank
  • Enter their Full Domain, if the group has their own website.
  • Leave the Website Theme, Home Page Design, Footer Layout and Country fields blank.
  • Add sections to the group - See here
  • Save Changes

Fig. 1: Group Header Details

Add a New Section

Add a new section to a Group.

To add a new section to Group in your DistrictCounty, follow these steps:

NB. If you want to add a section to a Group in one of your Districts, see Admin/Districts.

  • Login with a Site Admin username and password
  • Open Admin/Group Details
  • Amend the Group
  • Move to the 'Sections' tab
  • Click Add New
  • Section Type: Select a section from the drop-down-list
  • Sub-Type: Change for Air Scouts or Sea Scouts. This will change the Uniform image in the Uniform page for the new section.
  • Pack Name: Set as Beavers, Cubs, etc. or the Unit name, or a day name. E.g. Thursday Troop
  • Overriding Name: For Units, set this to your unit's name (without the ESU suffix). Leave this blank for other section types.

  • Day Of The Week: Select your meeting night. Leave blank if you meet irregularly.
  • Meeting Times: Set the from and to meeting times. Leave blank if you meet irregularly.
  • Other Times: If you meet irregularly, enter a guide here. E.g. First Monday of the month.
  • Save Changes

Fig. 1: Beaver Section Details

Fig. 2: Unit Section Details

Set YourThe Group Name

Setup the group name, number, area and known as fields in the correct way.

The Group name is defined using four fields. These are used to formulate the group and sections names in different places across your website and in hidden meta tags to improve your search engine rankings.

The Group name is defined using four fields. These are used to formulate the group name and also the area the group is located on the Group page.

Use the examples below to select the one that best matches your Group/Unit name, and set your fields as required.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

Group Number, Area and Name
* Full Name:
Group No:
* Area:
Known As:
Group Number and Area, without a Name
* Full Name:
Group No:
* Area:
Known As:
Group Number and Name, without an Area
* Full Name:
Group No:
* Area:
Known As:
Group Name, without a Number or Area
* Full Name:
Group No:
* Area:
Known As:
Unit Name, without a Number or Area
* Full Name:
Group No:
* Area:
Known As:
Set Domain Name Fields

Add a domain name to your website.

Set the Group/Unit's website domain name.

There are two fields that define your domain name.

The Full Domain field is the public address of your website. If you have your own domain name and want to use it for your Scouts Online website, please contact us for instructions before changing this field. The field may include the "www." prefix, but shouldn't include http:// or https://

The Sub-Domain field holds a prefix to the domain to allow your website to be viewed without having to buy your own domain name. It is also a backup to your domain name and should not be removed or changed.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

There are two fields that define a groups' domain name.

The Full Domain field is the public address of the Group's website. This may include the "www." prefix, but shouldn't include http:// or https://. Set this field to the Group's website domain name.

The Sub-Domain field is only used if the group has a Scouts Online website. This field shouldn't be changed as it will affect their website.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

Fig. 1: Domain Name Fields

Change Look-and-Feel

Change your website Theme, Home Page design, Footer bar layout and Country colours.

The cosmetic look-and-feel of your website is governed by four field.

Website Theme: These include Scouting colour palettes and styling.

Home Page Design: You can pick a home page layout that suits you. These are best matched with a Website Theme.

Footer Layout: Whether you want a simple footer bar for your website pages, or you'd like to customise it, there is a footer style to suit.

Country: While this controls other aspects of your website, like Country specific Scouting Role names, changing this field will set areas of your website to use country specific Scouting colours.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

Fig. 1: Website Theme field

Fig. 2: Home Page Design field

Fig. 3: Footer Layout field

Fig. 4: Country field

Social Media Accounts

Add social media feeds to your home page and social media links.

You can add Facebook and X/Twitter feeds to your home page, and add YouTube Channel, Instagram, Pinterest and two further links to your website.

Facebook Page: Enter your Facebook 'page' name. E.g. For, just enter 'ScoutAssociation'. This is used for the Facebook feed on the home page and as a link to your Facebook page. NB. It's not possible to add a feed for your Facebook page.

Facebook Feed: Tick this field to show your Facebook feed on the home page.

Twitter @Name: Enter your X/Twitter account name. E.g. For, just enter 'Scouts'.

Twitter Feed: Tick this field to show your X/Twitter feed on the home page.

YouTube Channel: If you have a YouTube channel to hold all your videos, add your channels name here. E.g. For, just enter 'UKScoutAssociation'.

Instagram Name: For, just enter 'scouts'. This will be displayed where your social media links are shown.

Pinterest Name: For, just enter 'ukscouting'. This will be displayed where your social media links are shown.

Header Link 1 & 2 You can add two further links to websites, set the link name, website URL and select an image to display for the link.

The social media links and Header Links will be displayed are displayed in different places, depending on your website theme and Home Page Design.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

Fig. 1: Social media and header link fields

Fig. 2: Social media links

Fig. 3: Facebook feed

Fig. 4: Twitter Feed

Set Additional Fields

Set other website behavioural fields.

Here are details of some additional fields that affect the way your website appears and operates.

Google Analytics 4: Gain insight into your website viewers and hits using Google Analytics. Once signed-up, enter your GA ID here.

Captcha Reqd?: To reduce the number of spam emails you receive, tick this box so that users have to enter a Scouting term before submitting an application or contact form.

Pre-2024 Scout Roles?: Tick this field if you want to see traditional Scouting role names in your drop-down-lists, or untick to use the new role names.

Admin Notification: Selecting a user here, will send an email to them every time another SiteAdmin user makes a page or setting change on your website.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

Fig. 1: Additional fields

Setup Online Payments

Settings for PayPal payments for events and the shopping cart module.

To setup online PayPal payments for events and/or an online shop, you will need to register for a PayPal business.

PayPal Merchant Id: Enter your PayPal merchant ID here.

PayPal Sandbox Merchant Id: Enter your PayPal 'Sandbox' (test) merchant ID here.

PayPal Live?: When you've completed testing your online payments, tick this field so that payments go to your live PayPal Merchandise account.

When you're setting up an only shop on your website, you may want to include online payments. In order to send an invoice to your customers, you will need to complete these fields:

Legal Name: Your name or company name.

Invoice Address: Your legal address.

Post Code: As above.

VAT Number: If you are VAT registered, enter your VAT number here, otherwise leave it blank.

Once you've changed these fields, click Save Changes

Fig. 1: Payment detail fields

Add Group Neckerchief Colours

Assign a neckerchief colour scheme to your Group or Unit, to display in the Meet The Team pages and other team lists.

Neckerchief colours can be added to personalise the default images in team lists.

To do this, click here

Fig. 1: Your neckerchief colours shown in Team List modules